Highlights and Recent Activity

Below you can find the links to recent updates and highlighted content added to my teaching portfolio.

Pride Winery, Napa Valley, CA

Pride Winery, Napa Valley, CA

Social Media in Medicine: Perks and Pitfalls

I gave the University of Washington Department of Medicine Grand Rounds on June 4th, 2021. The goal of this talk was to illustrate the role social media can play in medicine by using Twitter use during the Covid-19 pandemic as a model for understanding. You can click “Learn More” below to watch the talk in full.

Paris, France

Paris, France


Pulmonary Physiology Small Groups

I have now served twice as a co-leader for small group case based sessions in the University of Washington School of Medicine pulmonary physiology course. I was the only resident who participated as a leader (the rest of the instructors were Pulmonary/Critical Care Fellows and Attending Faculty). Please select the link below to see further details, student evaluations and program thank you letter.

Golden Gate Vista Park, California

Golden Gate Vista Park, California

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Didactic

I gave a lecture during the Internal Medicine Residency program Academic Half Day. This is a review of underlying physiology, medication classes and acute management when medicine teams admit patients with pulmonary hypertension to the general medicine service. Please select the link below for further details and resident evaluation results.